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—————–WORK OUT 1——————————–
400m Row
2 min MAX Single leg clock touches (stand on one leg reach with hand and touch ground at 9,12 and 3 o’clock.) STAND TALL AFTER EACH TOUCH.
—-rest :30—–
2 min MAX Russian sit ups w/DB 20/10lbs
—-rest :30—–
2 min MAX single leg line jumps (jump over a crack in the mats)
—-rest :30—–
2 min MAX Bicep curl into a shoulder press 20/10lbs
—-rest :30—–
2 min MAX knee banded in pulsing lunges
—-rest :30—–
2 min MAX half rep turkish get up with DB 20/10lbs
400M Run or row
50 Box step ups 30/24″
50 oh single arm kb lunge
25 burpees
50 KB Swings 44/26
50 ghd sit ups
200 Single Unders or 100 du’s
400M Run or row
Rx+: 53/35
*Completed through GHD
—————–WORK OUT 2——————————–
Brandon Workout:
6 min mile
4 sets of 10 back squats 135-155-185-225
3 sets of 10 hamstring machine 110
Bench reps 10@135 10@135 10@155 1@185
3 sets of 15 chest flies 30
6 min stair master 100 steps per minute
