1:13 –“Well, I'm a shock that I have had any kind of success in life. [...] I would not advise going this path if you want to make money or have success. I would write a 100 page book in which you flatter people and tell them how great they are, and have little formulas about how to change who they are, and write it in 3 months. That would be my advice *Crowd Laughter*.
[...] You know... I don't fit in the times that we live in. I'm very lucky that I wrote The 48 Laws of Power when I did because I don't think if this (Laws of Human Nature) was my first book that it would have worked. [...] But, I agree with Ryan, people are hungry for real ideas, they’re hungry for real change, they’re hungry for something different… and I give them books that are different form the normal fare out there. I’ve managed to carve a niche that separates me from the mass of books being written, so there’s a strength in that. But it comes with a price, it comes with a lot more work than you ever imagined.”