Blog 46 | Virtual Studio

OllO Performing

This website is the virtual equivalent of my studio. Its an online home for everything creation. And it’s become equally tedious to finish building it. When I was building the studio, it would feel like we were close to done when we were no where near it. The walls were up, the roof was finished the floor was solid. Everything felt complete, but there was still days of little work left. Wiring the electricity, cutting the drywall, sweeping insulating, sweeping, screwing all the drywall in, sweeping, painting the walls, 1 coat of primer, 3 coats of black paint, the clean up, cutting the floor pieces, cutting the foam that goes under the floor pieces, etc ad nauseam until finally. finally, it was finished, and worth it. I grossly underestimated the amount of time it would take, and though I’ve since learned to over budget time and expectation in big projects like this, and am less anxious about finishing, this website is a project of the same magnitude. And will be as worth it, if not more than the studio.